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Autor/inArter, Judy
InstitutionNorthwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR. Test Center.
TitelDesigning Scoring Rubrics for Performance Assessments: The Heart of the Matter.
Quelle(1993), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Standards; Cost Effectiveness; Educational Assessment; Educational Objectives; Evaluation Criteria; Holistic Approach; Instructional Improvement; Performance Based Assessment; Research Design; Scoring; Scoring Rubrics; Student Evaluation; Teacher Role; Teaching Methods; Test Construction; Test Use
AbstractGood performance criteria can and must help define educational goals and serve as an instructional tool in the classroom. The rationale for considering instructional usefulness when designing performance criteria begins with the proposition that clearly stated performance criteria are excellent instructional tools. It is also apparent that classroom teachers are the ones who will be administering the performance assessments that are developed, and that the classroom is the place in which change will occur. Good performance criteria help teachers and students alike understand the targets of instruction. The following design considerations are important in working toward the goal of good performance criteria: (1) the need for generalized criteria; (2) development of both holistic and analytical trait systems; (3) covering all that is important; and (4) having teachers do the scoring. Maximizing the impact of the performance assessment dollar means having assessments that teachers can use in the classroom. Five figures list and illustrate aspects of the criteria development process. (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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